Reproductive Evolution Lab
Leader: Prof. Dr. Stefan Lüpold
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Current group
Stefan Lüpold (PI)
Marta Cortés Mediavilla
Alessio De Nardo
Benjamin Eggs
Ying Jiang
Pedro Lopes Aguiar
Abhishek Meena
Tom Ratz
Gayatri Raina
Sonja Sbilordo
Join us
Dr. Viktor Kovalov
PhD student 2022-2024
Next: Postdoc at
EAWAG Dübendorf
Dr. Komal Maggu
Postdoctoral fellow 2022-2024
Next: undecided
Aditi Manoj Rawal
PhD student 2021-2023
Next: PhD student at
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL
Jeannine Roy
Research Assistant 2017-2023
Next: Technician at
University of Zurich
Dr. Valérian Zeender
PhD student 2017-2022
Postdoc 2023
Next: Postdoc at
Dr. Marc Debrunner
Research Associate 2021-2023
Next: Research Associate at
University of Zurich
Dr. Jhoniel Perdigón Ferreira
PhD student 2016-2021
Postdoc 2021-2022
Next: Postdoc at
Alessia Muro
MSc student 2020-2021
Next: MSc in Forensic Science at
University of Glasgow
Carmen Näf
MSc student 2020-2021
co-supervised by
Dr. Matthias Albrecht (Agroscope)
Next: undecided
Florin Allmendinger
MSc student 2019-2021
Research student 2021
Next: PhD at
Balgrist University Hospital
Tyler Figueira
MSc student 2020-2021
Next: PhD at
University of Zurich
Broti Biswas
MSc student 2020-2021
co-supervised by
Dr. NG Prasad (IISER Mohali)
Next: PhD at
University of Zurich
Dr. Rassim Khelifa
Postdoc 2017-2018
Next: Postdoc at
University of British Columbia
Dr. Hayat Mahdjoub
Postdoc 2017-2018
co-mentored with
Prof. Dr. Wolf Blanckenhorn
Next: undecided
Léa Zinsli
MSc student 2016-2017
co-supervised with
Dr. Oliver Y. Martin, ETH Zurich
Next: PhD at
ETH Zurich
Research students
Lukas Wanner
Aline Ullmann
Sina Lerch
Monica Anderson Berdal
Steffen Mink
Valentin Graf
Visiting students and postdocs
Fataha Rahmen
(2024, BSc student, Cornell University, USA)
Swarnima Mukherjee
(2023, MSc student, Pondicherry University, India)
Marta Cortes Mediavilla
(2021, BSc student, University of Barcelona, Spain)
Aditi Manoj Rawal
(2020-2021, MSc, Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Shivajinagar, Pune, India)
Dr. Manvi Sharma
(2019, Postdoc, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)
Erin Macartney
(2019, PhD student, University of New South Wales, Sidney, Australia)
Abhishek Meena
(2019, BSc student, IISER Mohali, India)
Nitin Bansal
(2018, BSc student, IISER Mohali, India)
Kardelen Özgün Uludağ
(2018, BSc student, Istanbul Technial University, Turkey)